Create a website in under an hour.
Use our professional and intuitive Website Builder to establish your small business web presence.
Build a website that’s tailored to your industry.
You don’t need to know how to code or design to build an amazing website. With Website Builder, we’ve done all the technical stuff for you. Just tell us your industry or idea and you’re halfway there (seriously).
Branded Email
Get personalised email addresses on your own Domain Name.
connexion.zone provides secure personal and business hosted email solutions. Customers are nine times more likely to choose a business with a professional address.
Your Domain Name
Your web presence begins with the perfect domain name. Our domain names include free features such as complete email at your domain, domain name forwarding, parking or masking, a quick starter page and more. We offer .com, .net, .org, .us and many more.
Email Marketing
Our Email Marketing solutions provide an easy way for you to communicate with your customers and other interested parties. Our beautifully designed campaigns and templates will help you make your mark.
Our SEO tool analyses your website and gives you step-by-step instructions on how you can optimise your website to rank higher on Google®, Yahoo® and Bing®. All it takes is a few clicks, and then you can get back to business.
Shopping Cart
Everything you need to open your own online store.
Create your own Product catalog, with your own images to showcase your professional services or products.